Encode Expert Solidity Bootcamp July Summary

Tina Bregović
Encode Club
Published in
4 min readSep 4, 2023


The July cohort of the Encode Expert Solidity Bootcamp has concluded its intensive five-week program with remarkable success. The bootcamp was designed to transform Solidity developers into Solidity experts, covering advanced concepts and real-world applications of smart contract development.

Leading the cohort was our highly experienced instructor, Laurence Kirk, who was supported by his team of teaching assistants from the Extropy team. The participants benefited from a combination of insightful lectures, practical exercises, and personalized mentorship from the instructors, as well as one-on-one support when needed.

Want to join the Expert Solidity force? Applications are open for a new cohort starting in autumn!

Throughout the bootcamp, participants were exposed to advanced Solidity programming techniques, including contract design patterns, testing methodologies, and best practices for optimizing smart contract performance. They were also taught how to work with key Solidity libraries and frameworks, including OpenZeppelin, Truffle, and Hardhat, among others.

In addition to the technical aspects of Solidity programming, the participants were also introduced to key industry topics, such as DeFi, NFTs, and security considerations for smart contract development.

The collaborative and supportive learning environment created by the instructors and teaching assistants allowed the participants to gain a deeper understanding of Solidity and its practical applications. They also had the opportunity to work on real-world projects, receiving valuable feedback and guidance from their instructors and peers.

By the end of the program, the participants had developed a high level of proficiency in Solidity programming. They are well-equipped to tackle complex challenges in the field of blockchain technology. They are now ready to apply their skills and knowledge to develop innovative solutions in this rapidly evolving field.

Overall, the Encode Expert Solidity Bootcamp provided a rigorous and engaging learning experience that empowered participants to take their Solidity programming skills to the next level. The dedication and expertise of the instructors, along with the enthusiasm and hard work of the bootcamp participants, ensured its success.

How it worked

Classes ran for 1.5 hours daily from Monday to Thursday and featured a mix of theory and demos, alongside homework over the course of five weeks.

Classes were live and fully remote with daily Zoom sessions and dedicated private Discord discussion channels.

The curriculum covered:

  • 4 weeks of teaching and 1 week of partner presentations
  • The EVM in detail — memory/storage/opcodes/understanding bytecode
  • Cryptography — Signatures/Hashes
  • Solidity advanced function usage
  • Solidity best practices, useful patterns/tips
  • Solidity libraries in detail
  • Essential 3rd party libraries
  • Auditing approaches, techniques, and tools.
  • Solidity Assembly — Yul
  • Gas optimization techniques and measurement
  • MEV and its mitigation.
  • Upgradability — advanced patterns.
  • Development tools: Solidity Template/Advanced Hardhart/
  • Tenderly and Tellor workshops

Sponsor Week

The last week of the bootcamp was sponsor week. We had four incredible partners sponsoring this bootcamp:


Brenda from Tellor talked about Oracles; why they are important, the challenges they’re facing, oracle types, evaluating oracles and much more!


Nenad from Tenderly gave a high-level overview of everything they do and create for web3 developers. He demonstrated how can Tenderly be used in conjunction with Hardhat to test smart contracts. Additionally, he demonstrated process automation — listening to things happening to the built smart contract and reacting in a particular way.

Pocket Network

Adrienne and Harry from Pocket presented what Pocket is all about and talked about RPCs, Gateways and briefly touched upon what's coming up in the future.


Yu Jiang from Axiom talked about ZK background, Axiom, Axiom SDK, and building on Axiom and finished off with a Q&A session.


Richard from Chainlink Labs talked about what Chainlink is, ran through all the different products Chainlink has and presented a hands-on workshop about using Chainlink VRF to get some random numbers on chain.


In this workshop, Roshan from Marlin walked bootcamp participants through the Oyster platform, talked about the problems it solves, showed how it worked and provided some useful resources.

Apply for Autumn Bootcamps

Read more about our bootcamps in our official announcement or visit our website.

About Encode Club

Encode Club is a web3 education community learning and building together through fantastic programmes with the leading protocols in the space. Together we organise programmes like education series, bootcamps, hackathons, accelerators both online and in person. We then help our community get jobs and funding for projects and startups. Read more here.


If you have any questions, please email: bootcamp@encode.club or reach out on Discord.


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