Encode x Urbit Hackathon: Prizewinners and Summary

Marta Jurković
Encode Club
Published in
4 min readJan 24, 2023


The Encode x Urbit Hackathon has come to a close with a fantastic finale event featuring the best projects pitching for top prizes!

This hackathon was a great opportunity for hackers to learn about Urbit as a platform and to win a prize in the process!

A huge thank you goes to our sponsors at Urbit, without whom this hackathon wouldn’t have been possible. They held fantastic workshops during the hackathon and offered cool prizes.

In our last few hackathons, various projects, including Euler and Reflexer, have gone on to raise large investment rounds following the finale! We hope this cohort’s members achieve great success as well.

About Urbit

Urbit is a new OS and peer-to-peer network that’s simple by design, built to last forever, and 100% owned by its users. Under the hood, Urbit is a clean-slate software stack compact enough that an individual developer can understand and control it completely.

Urbit’s stack includes a deterministic virtual machine, a purely functional machine code called Nock, a purely functional programming language called Hoon with a self-hosted compiler to Nock, an unorthodox microkernel called Arvo with typed IPC, and an end-to-end encrypted, peer-to-peer network with exactly-once delivery called Ames. Urbit apps have reproducible builds on all client machines, don’t need an external database, and require almost no devops. Read more here.

About Encode Club

Encode Club is a Web3 education community learning and building together through fantastic programmes with the leading protocols in the space. Together we organise programmes like education series, bootcamps, hackathons, and accelerators both online and in person. We then help our community get jobs and funding for projects and startups. Read more here.

How it worked

Our hackathon participants had six weeks to build their projects and submit them for judging. During this time, they also had the opportunity to participate in several events related to the hackathon.

You can see the event summaries, materials, and video recordings on our YouTube channel, or check out the summaries below!

Hackathon Judges

We had an amazing panel of judges vote on the winners:

Neal Davis from Urbit
Thomas from Urbit
Josh Lehman from Urbit

Full Video

Challenges and Prizes

Best User Experience (1 Urbit Star)—Conway’s Game of Life

%cgol is an Urbit application where the user can play Conway’s Game of Life. You can start a game on a grid the size of your choosing, color in live cells, and let it play for an indefinite number of transitions. It also saves the states of previously played games so that you can return to them and continue where you left off, and it holds a library of patterns that you can begin games from.

Codebase here.

Best DeFi or dApp Integration (1 Urbit Star) — Collective

Collective is an Urbit and Uqbar native investment club. It allows people to come together and invest together in digital assets. Once the starting parameters are set, a fund.hoon contract instance is deployed onto Uqbar. A private room is spawned for members of the investment club in the new Groups.

Codebase here.

Best Web2 Bridge (1 Urbit Star) — Tome DB

Tome DB is a Javascript NPM package and Urbit Gall Agent that allows developers to build applications that persist data on Urbit without creating their own agent. For more information, see the repository README.

Codebase here.

Best in Show (2 Urbit Stars) — Pantheon

Hosting, sharing, and discovering files are central to any internet platform. Pantheon is the first step towards apps that enable file storage, curation, and network-wide search and discovery on Urbit. Via Slate, it uses IPFS as a backend to advance a web3-native, decentralized file storage system. It integrates with the popular Urbit app %pals to allow files to be shared with your friends or anyone on the network.

Codebase here.

Honourable Mention — Urbipedia

Urbipedia is an encyclopedia written and maintained by users of the Urbit community and others.

Codebase here.

Other finalists:


Realtime is a top-and-bottom real-time text chat app built on Urbit. It lets you have a chat session with another user on Urbit wherein you can see what the person is typing as they type, resulting in a more intimate, dynamic, and conversational feel.

Codebase here.

Urbit Notifications

The Urbit Notifications app is a tool that allows users of the Urbit network to receive notifications from various apps without having to actively access or be logged into their “ship,” which is the individual node or identity within the Urbit network.

Codebase here.


If you have any questions, please email: hack@encode.club or reach out on Discord.


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