Polkadot ink! Hackathon powered by Encode Club—Prizewinners and Summary

Tina Bregović
Encode Club
Published in
7 min readNov 16, 2023


The Polkadot ink! Hackathon, powered by Encode Club, has drawn to a successful close, marking the end of an exhilarating journey that began with a burst of creativity and collaboration. This hackathon, dedicated to exploring the innovative potential of the ink! smart contract language within the Polkadot ecosystem, kicked off with an inspiring Launch Event that set the tone for a month of intense development and discovery.

With the invaluable support of our partners — Aleph Zero, Astar, Zeitgeist, GetBlock, and AZERO.ID — the event was a hotbed of innovation, offering a series of technical workshops, one-to-one mentoring, and a range of challenging bounties that pushed participants to their limits. The finale was a testament to the hard work and ingenuity of all involved, showcasing revolutionary projects that have the potential to shape the future of the space.

The journey is not over yet! We invite all winning teams and any other teams who are building in the Polkadot ecosystem to apply with their projects for the Encode x Polkadot Accelerator!

Finalists of the Polkadot ink! Finale

How it Worked

Our hackathon participants had four weeks to build their projects and submit them for judging. During this time, they also had the opportunity to participate in several events related to the hackathon:

Full Finale Video


Polkadot Bounties

Most Innovative ink! dApp

1st place: Kudos Ink ($3500)

Kudos Ink! is a cutting-edge AI-assisted platform that simplifies the process for developers to find suitable open-source software (OSS) tasks, tailored to their skills and interests. The platform innovatively resolves major OSS ecosystem challenges by introducing a decentralized payment system for direct and fair compensation to contributors, and by offering diverse and customizable reward options. Kudos Ink! stands out as a solution for enhancing efficiency and diversity in OSS contributions.

2nd place: Ink GPT ($2500)

Ink GPT is a developer tool designed to streamline the generation, compilation, and deployment of Ink smart contracts. Utilizing a GPT 3.5 model trained on example Ink smart contracts, it significantly simplifies the process for developers. This tool provides an intuitive platform for deploying initial Ink smart contracts and facilitates experimentation, making it more accessible and efficient for developers entering the smart contract space.

3rd place: Password Manager ($1500)

Password Manager offers a secure solution for managing passwords on the Astar’s Shibuya network. It employs a frontend-based encryption and decryption system, ensuring that passwords stored on the blockchain are thoroughly encrypted for enhanced security. This approach guarantees that users’ passwords are safely managed and protected within the Astar ecosystem.

Zero 2 ink! Hero Bounty Challenge

Aleph Zero Bounties

DeFi & Infrastructure Track

1st place: Kudos Ink ($6000)

Kudos Ink! is a cutting-edge AI-assisted platform that simplifies the process for developers to find suitable open-source software (OSS) tasks, tailored to their skills and interests. The platform innovatively resolves major OSS ecosystem challenges by introducing a decentralized payment system for direct and fair compensation to contributors, and by offering diverse and customizable reward options. Kudos Ink! stands out as a solution for enhancing efficiency and diversity in OSS contributions.

2nd place: Azero Message ($2000)

The app introduces a unique way to message any blockchain address or AzeroID domain, using a smart contract to emit and securely store messages on the blockchain. It features an efficient indexing system for easy message retrieval. Moreover, it supports the creation of asymmetric key pairs, allowing encrypted messaging using public keys, decryptable only with the associated private key. This system ensures private and anonymous communication, independent of users’ social accounts or real identities, enhancing privacy and security in blockchain interactions.

2nd place: InkCards ($2000)

InkCards offers a novel fund management platform using NFT-based digital debit cards, enabling direct transactions with set spend limits and expiration dates. This system streamlines decentralized fund allocation, reducing transaction fees and operational inefficiencies, and provides a seamless solution for managing expenditures in the digital economy.

2nd place: Women of Polkadot ($2000)

‘Women of Polkadot’ is an inspiring NFT collection designed to honor and represent the contributions of women within the Polkadot ecosystem. This collection empowers every woman to mint her own NFT, symbolizing her presence and impact in the field. The initiative focuses on promoting inclusivity and increasing female participation in the blockchain domain. Through these NFTs, ‘Women of Polkadot’ aims to celebrate and encourage more women to emerge as active contributors and leaders in the blockchain space.


Best project using ink!athon or AZERO.ID: Azero Message ($1000)

The app introduces a unique way to message any blockchain address or AzeroID domain, using a smart contract to emit and securely store messages on the blockchain. It features an efficient indexing system for easy message retrieval. Moreover, it supports the creation of asymmetric key pairs, allowing encrypted messaging using public keys, decryptable only with the associated private key. This system ensures private and anonymous communication, independent of users’ social accounts or real identities, enhancing privacy and security in blockchain interactions.

Honourable mentions
Winners received free AZERO.ID on-chain domains for each team member.

Astar Bounty

Build a dApp with ink!
Winners received exclusive access to a mentor programme with Astar:

‘Women of Polkadot’ is an inspiring NFT collection designed to honor and represent the contributions of women within the Polkadot ecosystem. This collection empowers every woman to mint her own NFT, symbolizing her presence and impact in the field. The initiative focuses on promoting inclusivity and increasing female participation in the blockchain domain. Through these NFTs, ‘Women of Polkadot’ aims to celebrate and encourage more women to emerge as active contributors and leaders in the blockchain space.

Ink GPT is a developer tool designed to streamline the generation, compilation, and deployment of Ink smart contracts. Utilizing a GPT 3.5 model trained on example Ink smart contracts, it significantly simplifies the process for developers. This tool provides an intuitive platform for deploying initial Ink smart contracts and facilitates experimentation, making it more accessible and efficient for developers entering the smart contract space.

Zeitgeist Bounty

Better Call Runtime! Challenge:

Winner: Zeitgeist Fund ($1000)

The Zeitgeist Fund, a smart contract prediction manager fund on the Zeitgeist battery chain, operates in two key phases: funding and management. Contributors receive ERC-20 tokens, while the manager trades to grow the fund’s value. It consists of the main fund and a dividend wallet, with token holders earning dividends in ZTG tokens proportional to their holdings. The fund includes safety features like locking manager tokens and allows for token transfers among users.

GetBlock Bounties

GetBlock Knowledge Pioneer bounty:

1st place: Dot Transport Intel (50m RPC)

Dot Transport Intel introduces an AI-driven object detection system using the Polkadot blockchain and Ink Smart Contracts to process data from road cameras. Key features include 360-degree command and control on Polkadot for incident management, real-time analytics with Ink Calc for accurate reporting and sentiment analysis, an Incident Dashboard for public interaction and review, and real-time alerts with live streaming for immediate incident response and verification.

2nd place: ArtPay (10m RPC)

The planned Escrow payment system is designed to enhance security in art transactions. Tailored for artists, this system aims to safeguard payments when sending artworks, ensuring that funds are held securely until delivery is confirmed. This initiative promises to foster trust and safety in transactions between artists and buyers, enhancing the reliability of art exchanges.

3rd place: Women of Polkadot (5m PRC)

‘Women of Polkadot’ is an inspiring NFT collection designed to honor and represent the contributions of women within the Polkadot ecosystem. This collection empowers every woman to mint her own NFT, symbolizing her presence and impact in the field. The initiative focuses on promoting inclusivity and increasing female participation in the blockchain domain. Through these NFTs, ‘Women of Polkadot’ aims to celebrate and encourage more women to emerge as active contributors and leaders in the blockchain space.

About the Accelerator

An eight-week online programme designed to transform the most promising hackathon and early-stage projects worldwide into fully-fledged startups.

This accelerator offers a unique opportunity for aspiring entrepreneurs to receive expert guidance, mentorship, and resources tailored to the Polkadot ecosystem. Throughout the program, participants will gain valuable insights on product development, fundraising, go-to-market strategies, and more, all aimed at turning their innovative ideas into successful ventures.

The programme launches on 29th November, so we invite the teams to apply soon!

Apply with your project:

Only a limited number of projects (teams) will be selected, which makes our application process very competitive. After receiving a message confirming you have successfully applied, we kindly ask our applicants to wait for a follow-up email from our Programme Manager regarding the next steps.

About Polkadot

Polkadot unites and secures a growing ecosystem of specialized blockchains called parachains. Apps and services on Polkadot can securely communicate across chains, forming the basis for a truly interoperable decentralized web.

About Encode Club

Encode Club is a global community of top developers, professionals and talented students in Emerging Tech. Through leading educational programmes such as hackathons, bootcamps and accelerators we help you advance your career and work with transformative companies. Read more here.


If you have any questions, please email hack@encode.club or reach out on Discord.


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